A Small Challenge

If you follow any amount of blogs, then you have probably seen an entry something like this: Such and Such over at So and So blog tagged me with this challenge. I have never had the honor of being tagged by anyone before, but Joe over at Hear God Speak recently tagged me with the "Honest Scrap" challenge.

The challenge is to share 10 honest things about myself and then tag 7 bloggers to do the same. In the spirit of good clean fun, I am going to cheat, but just a little, and with (I think) good reason. I will list the ten things about myself, but I am not going to tag seven other bloggers. The reason for no tag, is that I am quite sure that there are not seven other bloggers that follow my blog. It just seems like it would be a little weird for me to tag someone who probably doesn't know I exist. And since Joe has tagged me, I can hardly tag him. By the way, you should really check out his blog. I find it truly edifying, and it has steadily climbed the list of blogs I read daily.

So here's my list in no particular order:

  1. I once had the honor of towing the legendary Pete Hill on his Top Fuel Knucklehead drag bike back to the pits after he made a pass.
  2. I start to get panicky and nervous if I miss more than one Church service in a row.
  3. My wife recently spent way too much money to get me a ride on a B17 Liberator.
  4. My wife is my very best friend (and that has nothing to do with #3).
  5. I spent four years in the USAF and never flew on a military plane until #3.
  6. I love to prepare a sermon far more than to deliver it.
  7. My reaction times while drag racing were never all that good.
  8. I got my first Studebaker when I was 15 and have lost count of how many I have had since then.
  9. I actually enjoy doing gardening/landscaping type projects in our back yard.
  10. Though sarcasm is probably my favorite type of humor, I often miss it when it is used on me.


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