When I'm on my bicycle this is part of my route to work... completely avoiding ridiculously busy roads, kids on the school run and commuters racing to and from Sellafield at twice the national speed limit!!! (I kid you not)... it's sheer bicycle heaven! a few miles of cycleway laid along the course of old mining railway tracks. The cycleway is actually a spur from the C2C route and is funded and maintained by Sustrans. One of the features along this route is a sculpture of "The Great Rock Crusher" ... it's supposed to depict cars being recycled (forgive the pun) and turned into bicycles, cool eh? I've even found a few minor diversions from the tarmac and gravel taking in a few unofficial jumps, who knows, I might even take my spade one day and do some "aesthetic improvements". That's my two year old son in the bottom photo checking out Daddy's road to work.


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