American Motorcycles

This pic is unfortunately not a close up, but the motorcycle is one of the coolest ever made. This is a single cylinder Iver Johnsen made by the "Iver Johnson's Arms & Cycle Works"

The company was started by a Norwegian, Iver Johnsen who emigrated from Norway
in 1863. He came from Sogn og Fjordane, a pretty poor region back in these days.
He started as a gunsmith and soon did it well with several gun related inventions. In 1891 Iver Johnson's Arms & Cycle Works was established and when the old man died in 1895, his three sons took over the bussines. They soon bicame big with bicycles and allso had a go for their own brand motorcycles. This did not last very long as they very to technical for their selling price. The Iver Johnson is today a very rare motorcycle.


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