smoke & mirrors

The TV is passé & the is king.
A place where anonymous cowards make claims & no one calls them on it.
Cole & I have been at this game pretty long & we've gotten more than our fair share of press.
We have been asked to star in Easy Rider 2, & a dozen other hair-brained schemes that haven't & will not come to pass.

When Billy Gibbins gave us his business card, it read;

friend of ERIC CLAPTON

We loved that, stole it & made cards that read;

friend of JD

friend of CF

We have been all over this planet together, some how people believe, we have arrived.
That couldn't be further from the truth.
Maybe people know what Cole got for the Metalicoupe, or what I got for the HD monument, but that was a lot of work that amortized over years, really years.
We aren't retired, or ever received a check that allowed us to buy a second home & a Ferrari.
We are kooks like you... in our mid 40's! Listen man, the orthodontist in your neighbor makes more than us!
We do the things we do, because we are both hopeless romantics, father worshipers, doing the only thing we know how to do.
Don't envy us or pity us, the life we lead, is way less glamourous than people think!


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