George Brockerton was an Irish road racer from Coleraine who had competed in the Ulster Grand Prix and North West 200 before making his debut at the Isle of Man in the amateur TT during the late 1920s. George made friends with another motorcycle racer while he was there named W.H.T.(Harry) Meageen from Whitehaven in Cumberland.

Harry invited George over to stay with him in England in 1931 and entered him into the grass track races that were held at the Whitehaven Recreation Ground that year. While he was there, Harry got George a job driving buses for Cumberland Motor Services, the company set up and owned by Harry's father. George was also given the honour of driving the very first bus out of the brand new Whitehaven bus station during the opening ceremony, but he was obviously a much better motorcyclist than he was a bus driver and lurched forward into the crash barrier causing extensive damage to both the barriers and the brand new bus.

George hit the headlines again during WW2 when he single-handedly rescued a party of British soldiers who were trapped in a cellar at Dunkirk.

George is pictured here on an O.E.C Lightning at the 1934 Isle of Man T.T..


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