"Revival" By Nick Clements


If you ask me today: "What do you consider as the supreme luxury?"

I would say quitting the job in the middle of the week, on a wednesday evening, leaving behind me all the everyday problems and being teleported with a few friends in London with the intention to see "Revival", the photo show by Nick Clements.

For this new show, recounting his past long years career of photographic researches eventually ending in a Master Degree at The Royal College of Art, Nick has gathered a selection of what he does the best.

For , beside photography, Nick works on his new denim vintage garments collection which we will be soon honored to distribute.

As usual during that kind of events, we get a full load of new encounters of wonderful people. This is not virtual and time goes by too fast....

At the entrance a few dozens of vintage and custom machines, all true and oily, illustrate very well the kind of evening we are about to live.

Thank you Nick, for this great moment of motorcycle culture.

Sue & Sean "the Rocketeer"

Phillipson Steven

Nick Clements



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