Matt and Billy Do Oley...or visa versa

Matt naps (it was a rough night) while Billy fixes his carb in the background

Not quite sure what they're doing...

Billy's clutch took a shit

Matt amuses himself while Billy fixes his clutch problems

Tech Tips...

And it's all better (with a little help from Desh of Morris Magneto)!

It's always great to see Matt and Billy. The boy's rode out to Oley PA from Jersey. They are among the few "younger" guys that are into these old bikes around here (Billy was actually born on my 21st birthday). They ride the shit outta 'em, break 'em, fix 'em and ride 'em again. They have been learning the fixing part from Marty who is a master at this stuff (and the guy that sold me my first Knuckle motor when I was 19 years old). They have been working in his shop a few nights a week learning the trade.

We need more young guys like these two out there!


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