Blog will eat itself

OK, no photos with this one.

What's a blog? It's a combination of the words 'web log'. Wikipedia says "Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video."

There are around 156 million blogs on the Internet. And to me, the ones that hold my interest offer an insight into the life/lives of the blogger/s. After all, the word 'log' implies a diary of personal interests and activities.

So it's strange to me to see an increasing number of blogs dedicated to... other blogs.

Have you noticed?

Motorcycle blogs that just rehash the photographic content of other motorcycle blogs; or that just re-post Google-searched photos off the Internet.

Hey, each to their own... and if blogs are supposed to be about the writer's interests, then maybe it's just as valid to feature the content of other people's blogs as it is to post pictures of your goldfish, golf holidays or wife's underwear.

But I find it odd to find blog content reheated and offered up as fresh produce by other bloggers. I'd rather see photos from these people's everyday lives – the inside of their fridges, their garages, their local bars, their pets, their Yamaha 'bobber' – than photos lifted from existing blogs, even if that content's source is credited.

To me, the best blogs are based on life... not blogs. But maybe I'm missing something; do these blogs-feeding-off-blogs serve a purpose? Like a one-stop-shop where you can lap up the best bike-related content in one go without doing your own browsing? Like a 'Now that's what I call music volume 57' that saves you the bother of discovering the best tunes for yourself?

I'm interested. Tell me.


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