Arlen Nesstan (that only makes sense in swedish) sorry.
This modification is practical for so many reasons; the bike will easily make it through the narrow gates of Valhalla, it would probably even make it through the fence, and...
I could ride it in the McDonald's drive in and park alot closer to the speaker so they can hear me better and manage to get my orders correct.
And it probably still wheighs about the exact same as a stock Springer, I mean since it's now more than twice as long but less than half as wide...
After a solid test ride we both agreed on this fork's fantastic roadholding qualities, and this could never had happened if it wasen't for Stekarn' the genius.
The 1947 title on this bike has a 3" over exemption, so now I only need to figure out an easy way to disguise the remaining 27" extension ...Aah, the future looks long.
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