I really should stop at yard sales...

I ran into a buddy of mine last Saturday night at the local tavern. He told me he found a box of Knucklehead parts at a Yard Sale that day and asked if I wanted them...Fuck Yeah! I stopped by his place on Sunday and left smiling!
Above are a few of the parts that were in the box. There were three parts that you could say were Knucklehead...the primary cover, the foot clutch and the "Tell Tale" overhead oil line... Ah ha! there was a knucklehead involved here! There is some later model junk in the box as well...I took it all of course.
The funny part is that I was out riding my Pan Saturday down the very country road that he found this stuff on. I past about five yard sales wondering if I should stop...fuck it...it was too nice out...I kept going...

You never know...


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