Well why shouldn't I promote my own book on my own blog?...

Cumbria and Lancashire have been a hotbed of speedway almost since it hit these shores at the end of the 1920s. Barrow, Carlisle, Workington and many more local areas have seen the shale sport flourish at one time or another, and the region is home to many enthusiasts. Years of painstaking research and devotion have gone into the writing of this history of speedway in the north-west. With lavish illustrations, a chapter on each of the major tracks and much more, this book is a must for any fan. Featured venues include Blackpool, Barrow, Burnley, Carlisle, Fleetwood, Kendal, Nelson, Preston, Whalley, Whitehaven & Workington. There's also a brief look at the midget cars built in Ambleside, Grass-Track racing, a profile of Frank Charles (the pre-war Star Champion from Barrow) and the stars of Galgate in Lancashire.
Author : Adrian Pavey Published by : Tempus 2004 - £14.99
Pages : 223. Format : Large paperback.
Illustrations : b&w photographs.
ISBN : 752431927
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