I've been into photography since my Stourbridge Art College days and during my working life I ran a camera shop, lab and copy studio for one of Cumbria's top camera collectors. He used to turn up on a monday with all sorts of wonderful treasures... old cameras, dark room equipment, projectors, glass plates and plenty of old photographs, postcards and 'cartes de visite's' (photographers business cards from the early 20th century). If any images of motorcycles or bicycles turned up he would always give them to me, which is where many of my vintage images come from.

Here's a couple of very early "Cartes De Visites" , the first is of a Safety Bicycle (Penny Farthing) taken by F.W.Dyer of Trowbridge in Kent and the second is a Victorian image taken by W.Kemp of Euston Rd in Morecambe, Lancashire. I hope you enjoy them just as mch as I do.


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